Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Remembering Loved Ones at your Wedding

No one wants to lose anyone but you may not be able to do anything about it; death is inevitable. These loved ones could have played important roles in your life or at the wedding. The loss of a loved friend or family does not stop you from having them present at your wedding. Deceased loved ones can be remembered in special ways. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

13 Wedding Rules You Can Break

Some rules are just too silly, you wonder who started it. I have come up with thirteen old school wedding rules you can break; you don’t have to do these things at your wedding or include them in your wedding. 

Eight Pre-Wedding Fights and How to Avoid Them

When planning a social event like a wedding, so many things are involved in putting together a “perfect” event. And as humans, conflicts are bound to occur. What matters most is how the issues that crop up during planning are handled and resolved. For the wedding couple, there are going to be a lot of things to disagree about. 


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